Prakash Kinthada
Sri Vidyanikethan Engineering college, India
Prakash.M.M.S Kinthada, is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Sri Vidyanikethan Engineering college, Jawahar Lal Technological University, Anantapur, A. Rangam Peta, Tirupathi, India. Earlier I was an Associate Professor of Chemistry, GIT, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam, India. I have recently returned from the USA, where I was an NIH visiting fellow at Karmanos Cancer ReseaInstitutetee, Wayne State University School of medicine. Earlier I was a Royal Society Visiting Scientist in the inorganic chemistry laboratories at the University of Oxford, UK, working on" Transition metal complexes as Anticancer Drugs". Earlier I was a visiting fellow at the Department of ChemicalEngineering and Applied Chemistry at Aston University, Birmingham. Prior to that, I was a Nehru Centenary British Council Fellow in the organometallic laboratories at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, UK. Prior to that, I was a CSIR Research associate in the Organometallic laboratories, Department of chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi India. I have published all my research in high impact international journals and Presented paper in International Conferences including American Chemical society conferences. I have published 33 International publications and 31international conference presentations including American ChemicalSociety conferences.