Gina Samy El-Feky
Associate Professor
University for Modern Sciences and Arts
Dr. Gina Samy El-Feky, earned her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics from the Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo Univeristy. She works as an Associate Professor of Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Technology Department, National Research Center and was seconded as Head of the Pharmaceutics Department and Pharmacy Program Leader, Faculty of Pharmacy, October University for Modern Sciences and Arts (MSA) since 2011. Dr. Gina works as an expert coordinator of the Ethics and Safety committee of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA. Active member of the National Accreditation Committee, Faculty of Pharmacy, MSA University. Member of the founding and organizing committee of MSA Children's University, first Children University in Egypt and Middle East. Selected stakeholder of the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovations (ANDI), a WHO affiliation in 2009. Member of the Technology Innovation and Commercialization Office, MSA University. Member of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS). Member of Society of women in science in developing countries-Egypt. Member of the Egyptian Young Academy of Science. Winner of Best Ph.D. thesis award in Pharmaceutical Sciences, from the National Research Center, 2008. Also, winner of the Scientific Excellence award from the National Research Center, 2011. Research interest is in the field of drug delivery and formulation with a special focus on applications of nanotechnology in drug delivery. Shared as a team member in 6 national research projects and as a co-principal investigator in a research project granted by the science and technology development fund, all in the field of drug delivery. Editorial board member and reviewer for a number of peer reviewed international journals as the Journal of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of inclusion phenomena,..etc. Speaker and poster presenter in over 15 national and international conferences. Published 12 peer reviewed in the field of drug delivery and formulation in reputable international journals. Supervised a number of undergraduate research projects, MSc. and Ph.D theses.
Research Interest
Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery.