Menyfah Q Alanazi
Ministry of National Guard Health Affairs, Saudi Arabia
Title: Introduction to Clinical Research
Biography: Menyfah Q Alanazi
Background: Research is a systematic investigation to establish fact. It is often viewed as the corner stone of scientific progress. research is a systematic process based on scientific method that consists of testing hypotheses, careful observation and measurement, systematic evaluation of data, and drawing valid conclusions. There are different research methods which are used in research, the main two types of research designs are the quantitative research design and the qualitative research design. Objective: To describe and discuss the elements of the clinical research process: research methodology and study design, basic statistic for scientific research, how to write a scientific manuscript?, how to write a proposal?, and ethical consideration in research. Steps of a research process: The steps start with a broad idea of the topic which is then focused on formulating a specific hypothesis or a question. The key steps in conducting research can be summarized as follows: identification of research problem, carrying out a literature review, formulating the research question/research objective, proposal writing, Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and ethical consideration, data collection, entry, cleaning, and management, data analyses, and research dissemination. Publishing the research project is the final step of the research process, which entails summarizing the whole research findings such as a manuscript published in a journal. Conclusion: Clinical research is an important tool to help develop solutions that with benefit people all over the world. Research is the systematic collection, gathering, interpretation , analysis of data to answer a certain questions or solve a problem.