Yousef A Alomi
Ministy of Health, KSA
Title: Antimicrobial stewardship program in KSA: Experiences and vision future
Biography: Yousef A Alomi
Antimicrobial stewardship is continuous work to optimize antimicrobials usage to improve patient outcomes and prevent antimicrobial related problems. General administration of pharmaceutical care established the program in 2013 by formulate Central Antibiotic Committees, this committee established antimicrobial stewardship program consisting of formulating peripheral antibiotics, infectious diseases team, antibiotics physician order form, antibiotics consumption and usages, antibiogram regulation and USA general of disease control antimicrobial stewardship monitoring outcome indicators. In 2014, Peripheral Antibiotics Committees was established in twenty regions to follow up the program implementation, and antimicrobial stewardship education and orientation was started. In 2015, the real applications of the program were started in more than ten regions and forty hospitals. Antimicrobial stewardship will be expanded to cover 20 regions and 90 biggest hospitals, medical cities, private hospitals and primary care centers in KSA. In this talk, I share experiences of our program, and the changes that faced during the program, and strategies to implement it to all Middle East countries.